L.A. Art Show

The L.A. Art Show was in business this past weekend at the Los Angeles Convention Center. My painter-friend, Olga Krimon, took me to the event. It was impossible to view all the art -- or choose a favorite -- in three hours which was all we had to see everything.

These days, I lean towards modern pieces with a little impressionism mixed in, and Olga prefers the classics, so we split up to explore. Below are a few pieces that caught my eye. But if you were to ask Olga, she'd have come up with a completely different list. There was so much to see.

Painting by Chuck Connelly, image from here

Charlotte Park, available through Spanierman Modern

Charlotte Park really was a wonderful Abstract Expressionist, using dynamic colors, forms, and brushstrokes throughout her work. Even though she was immensely talented and was great friends with the Pollocks, the wife of James Brooks, and was in numerous high profile exhibitions, she never received the recognition she deserved as she spent her time pushing her husband's career. However and rightly so, collectors and critics again are noticing her, and it's a wonderful time to buy her work. - Martha Campbell, Associate Director, Spanierman Modern.

Rimi Yang, available through Stricoff Fine Art, in NYC

Urban Relic Blue, Elisabett Gudmann, Nitric Acid, Paint on Copper

Oil on wood panels, by Jeff Cohen,

From David Cook Galleries

It's an annual event so if you missed it, there is always next year.


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