"It's Complicated" Potager Garden

image source: imdb

While it's true that design geeks everywhere are pumped up about the set interiors of "It's Complicated," today's L.A. Times ran a great snippet about Jane's potager garden. Check it out below.

January 16, 2010 - L.A. Times
Written by-- Deborah Netburn

Ever since "It's Complicated" landed in theaters, the online garden community has been buzzing about the vegetable beds tended by Jane (Meryl Streep). "The idea was it was meant to look like a real cook's garden," said Jon Hutman, the film's production designer, speaking by phone from a hotel room in Italy. "We try to make the movies look real, but a very delicious version of real." Hutman, who does not garden, relied on the talents of greensman Dan Ondrejko, whose credits include "Jurassic Park," "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events" and "Land of the Lost." The team ultimately settled on a French potager design, as the character is a baker trained in France. Although there are no CGI cabbages or rhubarb special effects in the film, not even Martha Stewart could make this garden real. The vegetables were grown in a greenhouse for two months before the key scene was shot, and any plant that looked a little scrubby didn't get to play a role. There was also a little enhancement. "I probably shouldn't tell you this," Hutman said, "but those tomatoes were wired to the vine."


Terry said…
It's a beautiful fantasy!
Jessie Rae said…
NO NO NO! Wired in place? Really?! I'm sad.

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